Comparative Legal Culture - Guest Lecturer from Hong Kong

9. březen 2023, 8:00–9:30

Prominent Hong Kong scholar, Dr. Sang Pu, will discuss the legal culture in Hong Kong, and compare it to the traditional Chinese legal culture.

Dr. Sang Pu is a lawyer qualified to practice in Hong Kong, Taiwan and New York. He is also a prominent political commentator in Taiwan, and the founding President of Taiwan Hong Kong Association. He has been interviewed by Washington Post, Financial Times, Voice of America, Radio Free Asia and many other media. Growing up in Hong Kong, he received his LLB and LLM from National Taiwan University, LLM from the University of Virginia, and doctorate degree from Peking University. He will discuss the difference between the legal culture in Hong Kong, after 90 years of British colonial rule, and the traditional Chinese legal culture, and explain the conflicts arising out of the difference.


UP Faculty of Law


UP Faculty of Law

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