Czech Republic Census

Středa 24. březen 2021, 9:08

Dear colleagues, 
We would like to inform that the Population Census will take place during March and April in the Czech Republic. 

The participation in Census is also obligatory for the foreign nationals. All the foreigners who have stayed in our territory at midnight from 26th to 27th March 2021 and have a valid residence permit or visa over 90 days or are EU citizens are obliged to get counted.

 All the information about the Population Census can be found on Specific information for foreign nationals is on the following webpages: , The electronic Census form will be available until 11 May 2021.

 To register in the electronic census form (at ) you can use only the number of a valid personal document issued by the Czech Republic (ID card, passport or documents issued to foreigners) and date of birth, electronic identity ( or the data box of a natural person. If the foreigner cannot use any of the above mentioned options, he/she will be enumerated using the paper census form. The paper census form must be completed and submitted from 17 April to 11 May. He/she will receive it together with the responsible envelope from the Census Commissioner to the contact point or where he is accommodated, for example on university dormitories.

Contact points are located at selected branches of the Czech Post and regional administrations of the Czech Statistical Office. You can find the addresses of the contact points at, on the infoline 274 056 789 or at municipal offices (usually on official boards).


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