UKRAINE - Invitation to international summer schools

Pondělí 29. leden 2018, 10:21 – Text: -kh-

Karazin Business School in Kharkov, Ukraine is happy to invite you to their two summer schools:


The main direction of the summer school is the development of international entrepreneurship among young people and the study of the peculiarities of creation and doing business in Ukraine and in other countries.

A special priority for school participants is the opportunity to gain practical knowledge and experience in an international multidisciplinary team. Participation in the International Summer School: Intro to Business Creation will help students determine the direction for creating their own business project and test the possibilities of realizing their ideas for generating income.

The main lecturers, experts and invited speakers are successful teaching practitioners and businessmen who have experience of doing business both in Ukraine and internationally.

The program of the summer school includes the following educational components: lectures, practical cases, workshops, seminars, business trips, meetings with experts, study tours, preparation of business plans.


The Summer Course at V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University offers intensive Russian classes for learners of all levels – from beginners to advanced, everybody can find a course suitable to the individual requirements.

Classes are taught in small groups by highly experienced trainers specially qualified for teaching “Russian as a Foreign Language”.

Students can discover the most outstanding places of Ukraine as well as apply new language skills acquired during classes. Lectures and excursions will give participants the opportunity to learn about Ukrainian politics, history, society and culture, communicate with students and their families, get to know more about the latest events in Ukraine.


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