Palacký University temporarily suspends classes

Úterý 10. březen 2020, 12:24

In conjunction with the situation regarding the spread of the COVID-19 virus, UP management suspends all physical classes from 11 until 22 March on the basis of emergency governmental measures. This also applies to life-long learning classes at UP.

You will be informed if the actual situation makes further suspension of classes necessary.

 Alternative forms of instruction and studies at this time are possible on the individual agreement between teachers and students. 

 Work requirements for UP employees are not suspended by this decree. Possible changes in the form of UP employees’ work regimes will be decided by faculty deans and workers’ supervisors.

 UP dormitories, dining halls, and libraries will remain open.

We further recommend monitoring reports from the Czech Ministry of Health, especially information related to the risks associated with travelling.


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