Mgr. Tomáš TALÁŠEK, Ph.D.

Fotografie zaměstnance
Kontaktní údaje


Oddělení strategie a kvality

Rektorát UP

Katedra matematiky

Pedagogická fakulta

Křížkovského 8


  • Systémový analytik (Oddělení strategie a kvality)
  • odborný asistent (Katedra matematiky)

Konzultační hodiny:
Pravidelné Místnost: Poznámka:
pondělí 08:00–09:30 ZI-P25 Alternativně je možné si konzultaci domluvit individuálně mailem:
Stoklasa J., Talášek T., Stoklasová J. Executive summaries of uncertain values close to the gain/loss threshold – linguistic modelling perspective. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 2020. (ČLÁNEK)
Talášek T., Stoklasová J., Stoklasa J., Talašová J. Visualising HR data concerning the performance of university staff - career development assessment and assistance perspective. Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics. 2021. (PŘÍSPĚVEK VE SBORNÍKU)
Stoklasová J., Talášek T., Stoklasa J. Attitude-Based Multi-expert Evaluation of Design. In Luukka P., Stoklasa J. (Eds.) Intelligent Systems and Applications in Business and Finance. 2022. (KAPITOLA V KNIZE)
Talášek T., Vaško J. Tvorba matematických textů pomocí LibreOffice Math. ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS EDUCATION JOURNAL. 2021.
Stoklasa J., Morreale A., Talášek T., Collan M. The Mean & Range Effect – A Sweet Spot Stimulating Risk-Seeking in Managerial Decision Support. Nordic Journal of Business. 2020.
Beranová Š., Stoklasa J., Dudová I., Marková D., Kasparova M., Zemánková J., Urbánek T., Talášek T., Luukka P., Hrdlička M. A possible role of the Infant/Toddler Sensory Profile in screening for autism: a proof-of-concept study in the specific sample of prematurely born children with birth weights 1,500 g. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. 2017.
Stoklasa J., Talášek T., Kubátová J., Seitlová K. Likert Scales in Group Multiple-Criteria Evaluation. Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing. 2017.
Stoklasa J., Talášek T., Talašová J. AHP and weak consistency in the evaluation of works of art – a case study of a large problem. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research. 2016.
Talášek T., Bohanesová E., Talašová J. Two-step method for multiple criteria investment decision making: mutual funds selection using FuzzME software. International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research. 2016.
Stoklasa J., Talášek T., Musilová J. Fuzzy approach - a new chapter in the methodology of psychology? Human Affairs. 2014.
Talášek T., Stoklasa J. On the Issue of Comparisons with Reference Fuzzy Numbers - a Graphical Method to Guide the Choice of a Suitable Method in Managerial Decision-making. In Kapounek S., Vránová H. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics. 2020.
Talášek T., Stoklasa J. Comparison of similarity measures for generalized trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. In Houda M., Remeš R. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics. 2019.
Müller M. What are Existential Disruptions in Managerial Practice? Overcoming Disruptions as Prevention of Burnout. In Talášek T., Stoklasa J., Slavíčková P. (Eds.) Knowledge on Economics and Management: Profit or Purpose Conference Proceedings. 2019.
Stoklasa J., Talášek T., Luukka P. On consistency and coverage measures in the fuzzified set-theoretic approach for social sciences: dealing with ambivalent evidence in the data. In Váchová L., Kratochvíl V. (Eds.) 36th International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics 2018, September 12th - 14th, 2018, Jindřichův Hradec, Czech Republic, Conference Proceedings. 2018.
Talášek T., Stoklasa J. Ordering of fuzzy quantities with respect to a fuzzy benchmark – how the shape of the fuzzy benchmark and the choice of distance / similarity affect the ordering. In Váchová L., Kratochvíl V. (Eds.) 36th International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics 2018, September 12th - 14th, 2018, Jindřichův Hradec, Czech Republic, Conference Proceedings. 2018.
Slavíčková P. Puteani Cameral Accounting. In Slavíčková P., Talášek T. (Eds.) Knowledge for Market Use 2018: Public Finances in the Background of Sustainable Development. 2018.
Müller M. The Ethical Background of Sustainable Decision-Making in an Uncertain World. In Slavíčková P., Talášek T. (Eds.) Knowledge for Market Use 2018: Public Finances in the Background of Sustainable Development International Scientific Conference Proceedings. 2018.
Talášek T., Stoklasa J. Distance-based linguistic approximation methods: graphical analysis and numerical experiments. In Pražák P. (Eds.) 35th International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics MME 2017 Conference Proceedings. 2017.
Talášek T. Evaluation of performance in entrance examination for economic study programs based on a fuzzy rule base. In Chova GL., Martínez LA., Torres CI. (Eds.) 10th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Proceedings. 2017.
Stoklasa J., Talášek T. Linguistic approximation of values close to the gain/loss threshold. In Pražák P. (Eds.) 35th International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics MME 2017 Conference Proceedings. 2017.
Talašová J., Stoklasa J., Holeček P., Talášek T. Mathematical support for human resource management at universities. In Pražák P. (Eds.) 35th International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics MME 2017 Conference Proceedings. 2017.
Morreale A., Stoklasa J., Talášek T. Decision-making under different risk presentation forms: an empirical investigation from Czech Republic. In Collan M., Luukka P. (Eds.) Proceedings of the NSAIS’16 Workshop on Adaptive and Intelligent Systems 2016. 2016.
Talášek T., Stoklasa J. Linguistic approximation under different distances/similarity measures for fuzzy numbers. In Collan M., Luukka P. (Eds.) Proceedings of the NSAIS’16 Workshop on Adaptive and Intelligent Systems 2016. 2016.
Stoklasa J., Talášek T. On the use of linguistic labels in AHP: calibration, consistency and related issues. In Kocourek A., Vavroušek M. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics MME 2016. 2016.
Talašová J., Stoklasa J., Holeček P., Talášek T. Registry of Artistic Performance - the final state of the evaluation model. In Kocourek A., Vavroušek M. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics MME 2016. 2016.
Talášek T., Stoklasa J., Talašová J. The role of distance and similarity in Bonissone’s linguistic approximation method – a numerical study. In Kocourek A., Vavroušek M. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics MME 2016. 2016.
Talášek T., Stoklasa J., Talašová J. Linguistic approximation using fuzzy 2-tuples in investment decision making. In Martinčík D., Ircingová J., Janeček P. (Eds.) Mathematical Methods in Economics MME 2015 - conference proceedings. 2015.
Talášek T., Stoklasa J., Collan M., Luukka P. Ordering of fuzzy numbers through linguistic approximation based on Bonissone’s two step method. In Szakál A. (Eds.) CINTI 2015, 16th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 19–21 November, 2015, Budapest, Hungary,. 2015.
Stoklasa J., Sukač V., Talášek T., Talašová J. Soft consensus model under linguistically labelled evaluations. In Martinčík D., Ircingová J., Janeček P. (Eds.) Mathematical Methods in Economics MME 2015 - conference proceedings. 2015.
Talášek T., Bohanesová E., Stoklasa J., Talašová J. Investment decision making using fuzzy scorecards - mutual funds selection. In Talašová J., Stoklasa J., Talášek T. (Eds.) Mathematical Methods in Economics MME 2014. 2014.
Stoklasa J., Talášek T., Stoklasová J. Reflecting emotional aspects and uncertainty in multi-expert evaluation: one step closer to a soft design-alternative evaluation methodology. In Chechurin L., Collan M. (Eds.) Advances in Systematic Creativity. 2019.
Stoklasa J., Talášek T., Luukka P. Fuzzified Likert scales in group multiple-criteria evaluation. Soft Computing Applications for Group Decision-making and Consensus Modeling. 2018.
Uhlířová M., Nocar D., Dofková R., Laitochová J., Zdráhal T., Talášek T., Pastor K., Bártek K., Wossala J., Vaško J., Bártková E. Challenges of primary mathematics education as a part of teaching for the 21st century. 2023.
Bártek K., Dofková R., Hodaňová J., Laitochová J., Nocar D., Pastor K., Talášek T., Uhlířová M., Vaško J., Wossala J., Zdráhal T. Actual Challenges of Primary Mathematics Education in the 21st Century. 2021.
Slavíčková P., Kubátová J., Stoklasa J., Talášek T. KNOWCON 2019 Knowledge on Economics and Management: Profit and Purpose. 2019.
Slavíčková P., Talášek T., Kubátová J., Stoklasa J., Pospíšil R. Knowledge for Market Use 2018: Public Finances in the Background of Sustainable Development. 2018.
Talašová J., Stoklasa J., Holeček P., Talášek T. Implementace IS HAP na Fakultě technologické Univerzity Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně. 2023.
Talašová J., Stoklasa J., Holeček P., Talášek T. Implementace IS HAP na Institutu managementu  Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnavě. 2023.
Aktuálně vyučované předměty
název předmětu katedra/zkratka semestr typ hodin
Bakalářská práce 1 KMT/KBP1@ ZS 0
Ekonomická a finanční matematika KMT/KEFM@ ZS 8
Bakalářská práce 1 KMT/BP1@ ZS Se 0
Ekonomická a finanční matematika KMT/EFM@ ZS Se 2
Algebra 1 KMT/AL1@ ZS Cv 2

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