Learning Outcomes in Universities for Impact in Society

12. říjen 2022, 9:00–13:00

Vzdělávací program Aurora Alliance ve spolupráci s CŽV pro zaměstnance a doktorandy UP

On Wednesday 12th October 2022, you are invited to the Aurora LOUIS Workshop. Part of the Aurora Competence Framework, LOUIS (Learning Outcomes in Universities for Impact on Society) will help you further develop the quality of your courses by focusing on the societal impact of your learning outcomes.
The goal of this workshop is to equip the participants with knowledge and skills necessary for implementation of LOUIS Tool into their classes. That would allow them to project, design and innovate their own courses. After completing this course, the participants would be also able to train others in using the LOUIS tool.
The LOUIS matrix is designed in such a way, that both the university teachers and their students are be able to measure the progress in the classes, as well as understand the necessary steps to take in order to get to the higher level of a specific transversal competence.
The workshop will be very interactive, therefore the participants are asked the bring an annotation of their own course in order to focus on the implementation in a specific context.



ODV a IVV + Aurora Alliance


Právnická fakulta UP, místnost A.01

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