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Dear students, 


To begin with, we have one piece of good news: you will not miss the regular supply of operational information, interesting facts or invitations from the world of Palacký University, which the UP HYPERLINK "https://www.upol.cz/zamestnanci/newsletter/"Newsletter (in Czech) brings you every 14 days, even in 2023, when the University of Olomouc, founded on 22 December 1573, will celebrate 450 years of its existence. Before the Christmas holidays, we have therefore launched a special website 450.upol.cz, where you can view a timeline of the university's history or the transformation of Olomouc in maps. There is also a gradually updated calendar of events associated with the celebrations – these will run throughout the year until 22 December 2023.


Another UP Open Day is planned for this Saturday, all information is on the University City (in Czech) website and in last week's email (in Czech). Even if you are not actively involved in the DOD this year or are not planning to look around for other majors yourself, feel free to invite your friends who might be interested in studying at UP to this day! Last but not least, the presidential elections will take place on Friday and Saturday. The Rector of UP Martin Procházka invites (in Czech) students, members of the academic community and employees to use their civic right and go to vote.

Tickets for the UP Ball go on sale Tuesday

The summer semester traditionally starts at Palacký University with the UP Academic Week. Its imaginary highlight will be on Friday 17 February the UP Ball (in Czech), which returns to the university events programme after two years, among other things on the occasion of the celebration of 450 years of the university. Visitors to the ball can look forward to the popular Moondance Orchestra of Martin Kumžák, a dance workshop, a light show, rich refreshments and a raffle. The evening will be hosted by Natálie Tichánková, a member of the Moravian Theatre Olomouc drama troupe. The ball at the NH Collection Congress Olomouc hotel starts at 19:30, tickets will be on sale from 17 January from 10:00 online at smsticket.cz. More detailed information and photos from previous years can be found at ples.upol.cz (in Czech).

Social scholarships at UP 

Palacký University offers a number of scholarships to students. One of them is the social grant, the amount of which is set by the new standard (in Czech) in the period January-June 2023 in the amount of CZK 4,330 per month. The conditions to be met for its award and information on the application form are available on the website.

Student evaluations have arrived at UPlikace 

This is an ideal opportunity to evaluate the seminars while they are still vivid in your memory. In the latest version of the UPlikace (in Czech), you will now find a section where you can fill in evaluations of the courses you have taken. What did you like in the seminar? What did you miss in it? In your opinion, where was the teacher great and where could he/she improve? Evaluations are not just a formality. Teachers and faculty leaders actually engage in them, and thanks to you, they also move the quality and form of teaching for the better. If you are afraid that your constructive criticism will be discovered, you don't have to worry. Evaluations are completely anonymous even in UPlikace (in Czech). Of course, don't be afraid to praise your teachers!

Literary competition for students: submit your texts by 15 March 

Do you like to write? Try your luck in the literary competition for students of Palacký University, announced by Rector Martin Procházka. The deadline for entries is 15 March and this time you can participate in three categories: poetry, short story and a free work on the theme of the University and me. Students of all faculties with texts in Czech or Slovak can participate. The winners will receive a financial reward. All important information can be found here (in Czech). You can also join the facebook group of competition.

Support blood donation with the Rector 

Are you thinking about starting to donate blood? Or are you a regular donor? Either way, mark the week of February 13-17 on your calendar and join the 12th annual Donate Blood with the Rector challenge. It will take place during the UP Academic Week at the Transfusion Department of the University Hospital Olomouc. And how to do it? Just write to us by 7 February at daruj@upol.cz. All donors during this week can look forward to a small gift. More information about the appeal can be found at darujHYPERLINK "https://daruj.upol.cz/".upol.cz. The Donate Blood with the Rector challenge as well as the long-running Vyhrň rukáv (Roll Up Your Sleeve) competition will be launched on Monday morning directly at the blood transfusion centre by the University Rector Martin Procházka and the President of the Czech Red Cross Marek Jukl.

How should academia defend itself against foreign threats?

Industrial espionage, propaganda or the misuse of scientific infrastructure – academia also faces different types of foreign threats. How can they be effectively prevented? The Center for International Humanitarian and Operational Law (CIHOL) at the School of Law invites you to a lecture, The best practices and experience in countering foreign interference (CFI) in U.S. Academia. The speakers will be Dr. Glenn d. Tiffert (Research Fellow, Co-Chair – Project on China's Global Shar Power, Stanford University) and Dr. Kevin r. Gamache (Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief Research Security Officer, Texas A&M University System). The American experts will talk about foreign threats to research in the academic sector and present experiences and best practices in countering these threats. The lecture will take place on January 18 at 10:00 a.m. at the Law School. An abstract of the lecture can be found in this PDF. Please register in advance if you are interested. 

Volunteer in research on the impact of emotions in communication 

What role does the ability to express and read emotions play in communication between people? Psychologists from the Faculty of Philosophy are trying to find the answer to this question in their research. Join as a volunteer and let the researchers use modern methods to monitor your reactions and feelings during a conversation. You'll find out what your ability to recognise emotions is, and you'll also get a description of your personality based on characteristics such as emotional stability, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness and conscientiousness. Interested candidates under the age of 35 can apply on the EMOACT (in Czech) project website, also read the article on Journal Online (in Czech).

New issue of the Strategy and Quality Office newsletter

Before the Christmas holidays, the regular December issue of the UP Strategy and Quality Office newsletter (in Czech) was published. The theme of the issue is the third role of UP and the concept of social responsibility. In the text about the emerging concept, you will find out what all actually falls under the area of social responsibility, and you also have the opportunity to express yourself through the form. You can also read about international evaluation or the UP Foundation. The full HYPERLINK "https://strategie.upol.cz/fileadmin/userdata/cm/strategie/newsletter/newsletter2022_04.pdf"newsletter HYPERLINK "https://strategie.upol.cz/fileadmin/userdata/cm/strategie/newsletter/newsletter2022_04.pdf"can be found here (in Czech).

Scholarship for study abroad 

In the newsletter we try to regularly bring you tips on various grants and scholarships. This time all students of bachelor and master programmes with permanent residence in the Olomouc Region who would like to try studying abroad should pay attention. The Olomouc Region has a total of CZK 700,000 to support them. You can apply for your share until 27 January, details can be found on the Olomoucký kraj website.