News Archive
14. 4. 2022
They live, study, and work with us; they are members of our university community, and now they need our help. “They” are UP students and employees from Ukraine, whose lives have been completely disrupted by the war.
Employee testing at Palacký University
11. 4. 2022
Starting Monday, 17 January 2022 – according to the extraordinary measure of the Czech Ministry of Health of 5 January 2022 and its amendment of 14 January 2022 (in Czech) – every UP employee must be tested twice weekly via a...
16. 3. 2022
Have you come to study or work at Palacký University Olomouc and are looking for volunteering opportunities? The UP Volunteer Centre provides volunteer opportunities for English-speaking volunteers as well; you can find a list of...
1. 3. 2022
Through the online course of Czech for beginners, you will start your discovery of the Czech language, and learn all the necessary basics. This class could be an ideal preparation for a stay in the Czech Republic, for example on...
26. 2. 2022
The war in Ukraine is not just the fight of the inhabitants of this sovereign state gratuitously attacked by the Russian aggressor – it is also our fight and our war. In my position as Rector of Palacký University Olomouc, I...
25. 2. 2022
Palacký University is organising and coordinating aid and support for students and employees from Ukraine who are finding themselves in existential situations due to the war. UP is also offering aid to students and academics at...
24. 2. 2022
Palacký University is currently monitoring the situation in Ukraine with concern and is prepared to help our Ukrainian students and employees living in Olomouc, including offering further assistance from the resources at its...
24. 2. 2022
Regarding the escalating conflict in Ukraine, Palacký University is prepared to help its Ukrainian students and employees living in Olomouc. According to UP Rector Martin Procházka, this is an unambiguous expression of solidarity...
4. 2. 2022
Univerzita Palackého je součástí mezinárodní aliance Aurora, která sdružuje devět univerzit napříč celou Evropou. Přijďte se s ní seznámit v pátek 18. února na první UP Aurora International Pub Quiz v 18:00 v hospodě Kateřinská...
17. 1. 2022
Support blood donation and join the event Donate Blood with Rector! The eleventh year of this campaign aims to promote free blood donation, especially potential first-time donors among students and employees of Palacký University...