Calendar of Events

26. 9. 2024, 19:00–21:00
Strangers to Peace
Film screening
27. 9. 2024, 13:00–15:00
MSCA Staff Exchanges
Information Seminar
27. 9. – 15. 7. 2024
Researchers Night
Don't miss the best night of science, learning and fun for all generations on the last Friday of September
30. 9. – 4. 10. 2024
Donate Blood with the Rector!
Join us to donate blood and support free blood donation as part of the Donate Blood with the Rector challenge! and the Faculty Challenge Roll Up Your Sleeve
5. 10. 2024, 14:00–19:00
International Haná
Events for the foreign communities of UP and Olomouc focusing on the culture, customs and traditions of different countries presented by the foreign community of UP and Olomouc
8. 10. 2024, 8:00–14:30
Employee Volunteer Day
17. 10. 2024, 15:00–17:00
Rountable on Post-conflict Reconstruction and Development of Ukraine
Keynote speech by Prof. Oxana Shevel, Tufts University and Harvard University (online)
18. 10. 2024, 16:30–23:55
Alumni share their experience that doing extra curricular activities during your studies pays off
8. 11. – 9. 11. 2024
Humanities and Social Sciences from a Digital Humanities Perspective
2nd annual conference

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